Saturday, November 22, 2008

One Moment - Going to the Army

November 23

“Look. If you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment. Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?” – Eminem

Everyone remembers the beginnings of some big journeys or adventures. So much anticipation leads up to the big moment, so much so that we sometimes psyche ourselves out with expectations that don’t come to fruition. Feelings of nervousness, excitement, fear, anxiety are all rolled up into one, which is commonly referred to as “The First Day.”

We have all experienced First Days where we felt all of those aforementioned emotions: the first day of kindergarten, starting at a new school, a sport tryout day, the big game, moving to a new city or country, etc. Even if some of those things didn’t give us only positive outcomes, especially immediately, it all ended up being okay. All of the buildup…and then it happens… Now I have a new First Day to the list – the army.

I’ve said before that I couldn’t really imagine myself doing something like this just a few years ago. The army isn’t a fun thing – we’re talking about guns, tanks, canons…and they’re all real. But all of those imaginary thoughts I used to have are about to be thrown away because it’s all about to be super-real.

Israeli children (for the most part) know this day in their lives is imminent, for better or for worse. But there is something special that my other Garin members and I have in common – this is OUR choice. Nobody else’s When I ask myself what I’m doing here, at this moment, I know why – If not me, then who? If not now, when? I could be travelling in Thailand right now. I could be playing soccer in Brazil. It’s my life and I get to choose what I do, and that’s a beautiful thing. I am doing the thing I know best – helping the Jewish people. That’s how I feel.

Sure, I’m scared. Heck, soon I’ll be riding in a tank that can destroy a lot of things. I would also be lying if I didn’t say how excited I am. This is awesome! I get to help protect a land that needs to be here for Jewish generations to come. I get to be a part of that history, that responsibility, and that is a genuinely great feeling.

The times are going to be tough. Everything in my life is changing. I don’t control when I sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom. In addition, personal time to do things like this and write become close to zero. However, what I do control is my positive thoughts and optimistic outlook on everything I’m doing. All I need to do is remember why I came here to do what I’m doing, and I know I won’t have any problems.

I’m taking my best shot at seizing everything I ever wanted. I’m contributing to the land and the people of which I feel a strong connection. There aren’t many things better than that. No regrets. No fears. Focus on what’s at hand and success is destined. Will I capture this moment or just let it slip? This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I feel fortunate to have it. I’m grabbing on – and never letting go. The Israeli army: this is my time – our time.


Unknown said...

ill see you tomorrow.

Sari Roy said...

David, i am so excited for you!! Seriously, anytime you need an errand run, a meal or a couch to crash on I'm your girl.

Myra Meskin said...

your writing is very powerful david -- thanks for sharing it with us

Johnny Kosher said...


Im currently finishing up college in the states and am planning on coming on aliyah this summer as part of the dati group of garin tzabar 09. your blog is really interesting esp. since im always digging for personal details of army life and the whole process. keep up the posting. good luck and stay safe achi